thank you!

“What you offer with the whole package of the website and coaching doesn't feel like a business deal as much as it does a partnership. Had you not told me I was your first client for this, I never would've known. The entire experience was professional, friendly, respectful, and supportive.”

All-inclusive offer: 2 Months of Coaching Sessions, Website, and Training. Everything you need to boost your online presence

Price: $1000


Get a sleek 2-4 page website using Godaddy's website builder. You provide the content and photos; I provide the guidance. Learn to manage your website with a Zoom tutorial. Plus, you'll get lifetime email support post-training.

Price: $700 $500

Business Coaching:

Zoom sessions tailored to your needs. Industry insights, niche identification, brand building, safety planning, budgeting, and assistance with copywriting.

Price: $60 / 30 min