Bill and I chatted about the calling to write and how it is something out of a person's control when the compulsion is so strong. Among many other topics, Bill also shares publishing tips for people who are self-publishing for the first time.
William Burkhardt began his journey as a self-published author in 2014 with his debut novella, and a prequel novella that followed in 2016. It wasn't until around 2020 that William's author journey really started to pick up steam, when he began publishing from his collection of short stories, The Book of Deathly Anagrams. Publishing Ebook and audiobook formats of A Third of Infinity, Priori, and his most popular work of fiction, The Anteater King. Aside from his five books and three audiobooks, William has editing credits in several books. He is also an editor for hire, providing affordable services for indie authors. He is a husband and a father to two beautiful children.
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