Sophie and I talked like we’ve known each other forever. The similarities in our journeys were shocking with both of us being sex workers, activists, mothers, and Crohn’s survivors. We talked about all kinds of things and time flew by but some of the most interesting things we discussed were about how our disabilities impacted our decisions to do sex work and how sex work impacted our disabilities. There will definitely be future conversations to further explore the topics of stripping in the 90’s and doing activism because Sophie and I barely scratched the surface!
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Sophie Hallée believes that her sexuality is a source of immense power—one that belongs solely to her. She decides how to express and share it, not society’s moral compass or its views on sex. Sophie began stripping in Montreal in the 1990s, a decision that gave her the independence she longed for and needed. She traveled across Quebec and Ontario, eventually ending up in Windsor. Those who judged her at the time said she would regret the choice, but Sophie later realized that her only regret was quitting—not stripping. While she has held many jobs since, stripping was the one that suited her best. Sophie danced during a transformative era in the industry, witnessing the shift from no-touch performances on small wooden boxes to full-contact lap dances, a pivotal evolution in the industry. In her 40s, Sophie returned to sex work as a part-time online content creator for a few years, before fully immersing herself in sex work activism, advocating for the rights, safety, and recognition of sex workers. She is also passionate about researching the history of strippers, recognizing that the history of sex workers is often missing from archives, and hopes to help fill this gap one day.
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